Healthcare in France
Before deciding to move to France, you probably heard the phrase that the Healthcare System in France is one of the best in the world. This is definitely true. However, as with most systems and processes in France, it is complex and not speaking the language can make it complicate to get effectively navigate the system. But not to worry, this segment provides you with the key information required to wade through and have access to healthcare even if you are new in France.
Overview of the Healthcare System
France has a comprehensive healthcare system and every legal resident is eligible equal access to healthcare regardless of their nationality or income level. It comprises of two parts. The Public Healthcare (financed by the social security) covering 60-70% of the cost the Complementary Insurance or top-up also know as Mutuelle covering the remaining 30% not covered by the compulsory (financed by employers, for low-income earners or private).
Once you are spending more than 3-months in France, you are eligible and required to register in the Healthcare System.

How to register
- Your passport or valid ID
- Proof of address such as recent utility bill
- Proof of French residence
- Marriage or birth certificates, if including family members
- Proof of income e.g. employment contract
- Banking account details (RIB) for reimburse

Visiting a doctor
You are required to have a primary healthcare provider called “Medicin Traitant” in France by typically known as the General Practitioner (GP) in many other countries. This is important to ensure you are reimbursed on time and at the right rate. There are what is known as Convention 1 and Convention 2 doctors. The Convention 1 doctors billed based on the rate defined by the Social Security, while the Convention 2 doctors are free to set their rates. If you visit a convention 1 doctor, you may not need to pay upfront but visiting Convention 2 doctors, you most likely will need to pay upfront and you are unlikely to be reimbursed at 100% since their rates are higher. This could however be covered by your Top-up insurant (depending on the details of the contract). Most English speaking doctors fall within the Convention 2 category. Appointments can be secured by calling the numbers or by using the Doctolib website.
Key Terms
- CPAM – This is the French public social security. The CPAM (Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie) provides reimbursement to medical care and medicines under specific conditions
- Ameli – This is the CPAM website for detailed information on Assurance Maladie French Health Care System. Once you are registered with CPAM, you need to create an account on Ameli.
- Carte Vitale – A card you receive once registered in the French Social Security System in France. It carries your name, photo and French Social Security number. It is required for visits to the doctors, hospitals and pharmacies.
- Mutuelle – Complementary or Top-up Health Insurance